Wallsmacker Art


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For all those who, like me, have a passion for all things automotive, Lord March's estate, Goodwood, provides a twice yearly feast for the eyes, the ears and the nose (Ahh, the smell of Castrol racing oil)! 

 In June there is the Festival of Speed, featuring the hill climb past Goodwood House.

This is only surpassed by the Goodwood Revival, held each September, where events take a more historic turn.  What a fantastic atmosphere reigns for the duration of the event, with everyone entering the spirit of the occasion, dressing up in glorious costumes from the 40s, 50s and 60s.

David Ball of J P Framing (below) has generously featured my work in his marquee at both the Festival and the Revival for the past two years. Here is David in the centre, with his partner, Kaye, and me (suitably dressed for the occasion!), in front of some of my paintings, ready for the opening of the Revival.

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